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About Us

Hi, I am Arthur G Aranha and my wife Mrs.Merlin Mala Aranha. We are both senior citizens. We have been diagnosed with diabetes in June 2022. After initial allopathic treatment, we wanted to be free of medicines life long. So, we decided to join Diabetes Free Forever, a treatment center headed by Dr.Bhagyesh Kulkarni, MBBS.

Although we had initial hesitation about the type of treatment, after joining their residential camp and the hand holding by Dr.Bhagyesh Kulkarni, within a matter of 6 months, we are free of medicines. I have lost 18 kgs of weight and my wife has lost 13 kgs of weight. We are completely diabetes free now and healthy. The journey is not a cake walk. It requires strong resolve and discipline – both in terms of following the protocol and keeping control over diet. The 5 pillars of their treatment viz., detox, diet, exercise, stress release and personal consultation lead the way not only to reversal or diabetes but to leading a healthy life.

Yes, we did go through the withdrawal symptoms like body pain, itching, gas formation etc. But with the supervision and guidance of Dr.Bhagyesh Kulkarni and his team of panel doctors, we could overcome the initial hiccups. The supplements prescribed by the panel doctors are taken as directed. This has reduced the incidence of body pain and also itching. The gas formation is mainly attributed to not munching the fruits and vegetables. If they are eaten slowly properly munched, the incidence of gas formation will be minimal.

We dedicate this website to Dr.Bhagyesh Kulkarni, founder of Diabetes Free Forever for his extra-ordinary work in this field to relieve the diabetic patients from this disorder and for helping us to lead a healthy life.

All those who are suffering from this disorder, this website is prepared by us as a one stop reference point on different areas of support. We hope this information will be useful. On a cautionary note… the information provided herein is not a medical advice and does not substitute for qualified medical advice and supervision. In case of any doubt, you may take assistance of your doctors.