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First let us understand a few important questions like what is diabetes? Why people suffer form it? How to manage it for long?

Ok lets come to What is diabetes?

It is a disorder whereby the sugar level in your blood is found to be beyond a cut off level. Who has set this cut off level? The American Diabetes Association. If your BSL is above 110mg/dL in a fasting state or beyond 140mg/dL in a post-prandial state, you are considered a diabetic.


Did your body at any time tell you that you are diabetic? NO. It only went on increasing your weight or cause some problems with your liver, kidney or made you feel heavy or gave you some cramps in your body. But you never knew that you were a diabetic until you did the blood test. Right?

There are instances where people with blood sugar as high as 600 mg/dL to 700mg/dL going about doing their daily chorus normally. They never realize that they have this disorder.

The main fear of people during blood test is the detection of diabetes because the doctors tell you that it is a life long disease. Wrong ! It is not a life long disease but a disorder which needs to be set right. This is confirmed by the American Diabetes Association itself in a study published by them in 2021.

How do we do that?

To come to understand how to control your blood sugar, it is necessary first to understand why it happens. When people eat food containing carbohydrates, the digestive system breaks down the digestible ones into sugar or glucose which enters the blood. From the glucose, pancreas create insulin, a hormone that prompts body cells to absorb the blood sugar for energy or storage.

Let us take an example for understanding this better. I repeat that this is only an hypothetical example to drive in the point. Lets say my body needs 1500 calories daily based on my height and weight. I eat breakfast like dosa, medu vada, sambhar, chutney etc. consisting of say 400 calories, mid-morning snacks of another 200 calories, lunch with mutton, rice and vegetable with a shot of alcohol. My calory intake in this instance could be anywhere around 800 calories, evening snacks and tea with another 200 calories, and finally dinner with 4 chapattis or rotis, vegetables, curd and some rice would work out to say another 450 calories. In addition, munching packed foods like chips, juice etc. during the day adds another 200 calories. So, totally I consumed 2150 calories as food intake during a day. So, I am 650 calories excess than what my body needs. What will happen to these extra calories? If you happen to go to a gym, or if you are an athlete or sportsman, you may consume these extra calories. But for those who sit in the office for long hours or in the house throughout the day (as it happened during Covid), these extra calories are converted into fat via insulin and it is pushed into various parts of the body like tummy, face, hands, buttocks, legs etc.

These people feel that they look nice and healthy. Yes, for sometime. If you go on loading calories like this every day, the load on the digestive system multiplies and results in liver pushing this extra glucose as fat into various part of the body. This is where the person develops a fatty liver, creatin in the kidneys because of overload, obesity, body pain, cramps, vision problems etc. These are all generally the symptoms of diabetes. Persistence of these symptoms could lead to fatalities like heart attack, brain hemorrhage etc.

Now, coming to the question of how to reverse diabetes. I would say the answer is simple, change your diet and start exercising and fasting. No. it is not that simple for everybody. Giving up food consisting of carbohydrates like milk, meat, packaged food, refined products, sugar and salt is a tall order. But if you are really serious about not only getting rid of your diabetes but other attendant co-morbidities and move towards a healthy life, start the regime of low carb diet, exercise and fasting today. Change your diet to include more of fiber like fruits, vegetables, sprouts,cereals etc. and learn to fast in an organized manner. This is where DFF comes to your aid.

Let me share some of my own experience in this regard.

I am 72 years old and was weighing 93 kgs almost at medium obesity level in June 2022. I did not have any major indication that I was a diabetic. It is when my wife went for a lab testing consequent on suffering from fever and I also got myself tested that we realized that both of us are diabetic. My blood sugar level was at 374 and my wife’s at 309.

We started allopathic treatment like anybody else but luckily came across Diabetes Free Forever, a Diabetes and Lifestyle Management Agency run by Dr.Bhagyesh Kulkarni, MBBS through Facebook. This agency asked us to change our lifestyle first by doing body detox, then change in diet,exercises and start fasting along with meditation.

The results are remarkable. I have lost a total of 18 kgs weight and my wife has lost total 13 kgs of weight. My blood sugar level has come down from 374 to 88 and my wife’s from 309 to 103. My HbA1c has come down from 7.1 to 4.9 and my wife’s from 9.5 to 5.4. We are considered as diabetes free having cleared the Glucose Tolerance Test on 18th February 2023. We are also totally medicine free.

In addition to the blood sugar level coming down to normal, the significant difference of this treatment is that I was suffering from hyper acidity having eaten at outside restaurants during my career postings spanning around 20 years. In addition, I was suffering from nose and throat infection for the last 20 years having got treated at various cities like Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune etc. It is now after the diet change protocol that I have not visited the doctor for these treatments. I was also suffering from rashes in the skin and cramps in the hands and legs. Because of the low intake of carbs, doing exercises and fasting, I am now freed from all these ailments. This is what I call a road to healthy life.

You can do it too.

There is a general feeling around that maintaing the diabetes free status in the long run is going to be difficult. Yes, it will be difficult for those who opt for quick fixes. There are no quick fixes here. If you wish to maintain it for a long time, you need to continue the dietery changes, exercise and stress management on an ongoing basis.

All the best!