Arthur Aranha

Everything in nature is made up of five basic elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space.

What is the importance of these elements ?

Earth provides us with daily needs. It also provides food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrients. Fire adds energy like the sun. Air is universal for our breathing and sustenance, and Water helps our very survival as our body is made up of 72% water, 12% Earth, 6% Air, 4% Fire and 6% Space and it also provides tranquillity. Space includes the sky which brings us the sun, the moon and the stars.

All these five elements are essential for survival of the human kind.

Let us examine them one by one.

Element What it does
Earth Earth provides us clean air and water, food, and shelter. It gives us natural surroundings like trees, flowers, fruits, soil, metals, minerals and many other things.
Water 71% of earth's surface is water. Without water it would be impossible for humans and animals to survive. Our body consists of 72% water. This is one of the important elements for our survival.
Fire Fire can burn hot and quick, bringing destruction all around it, or it can smoulder slow and hidden in the earth and internalized in the body. Fire lights up our drive, charisma, passion, sensuality.
Air Air is universal element without which nothing on nature can survive. It is essential for the survival of all human beings and other living organisms such as animals, plants, and micro-organisms. It also consists of various forms of gases like oxygen, hydrogen. Nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc.
Space This is the most subtle element which is invisible. But it gives rise to other elements like earth, water, fire and air. The sky in the space which we normally see every day. Sky gives us the sun, the moon and the stars.
The question is why should we connect to these five elements and how should we connect to them?
  1. 1. Earth :

    We know that earth provides air, water, food and shelter. If there was no earth, none of these elements would exist. Earth also provides us the surroundings of our existence viz., trees, flowers, fruits and so on.

    In the residential camp, we are asked to lie down on our backs on the ground and think that we are lying in the bosom of mother nature, hug a tree or sapling, admire flowers, petals, leaves etc. Like Mr.Palesha explained in the residential camp, our body also has some electricity passing throught it. By lying down on the floor in shavasana mode, we allow earthing to the body, which makes it cooler. The aim is to make us accept that we are a part of earth in our existence. Only when we lie down on the floor or hug a tree or admire the beauty of flowers, petals etc., we in our inner self admit that we are also a part of this universe. And we need to express our gratitude to this element for all that it is providing us in our daily existence.

    There are two things we can do when we connect to nature 1) express our gratitude 2) pray to the element in whatever manner we deem fit.

    In our day to day life, it may not be possible to hug a tree but we can certainly connect to nature during our daily morning walk. Just look at the trees and plants around, their height, width, branches, leaves. You will find each of them is unique. That is the beauty of nature. You may see flowers on the trees on the way. Think of them as the natural beauty that nature provides for our eyes to admire. Do it. And then pray in your own words and your own language something like :

    “Oh Earth, you provide me my daily needs like air, water, vegetables, fruits, flowers and many other things required for my sustenance and growth. And what have I given you in return? Nothing. On the contrary, I have always taken all that you provide as granted and littered things around. Today, I would like to express my gratitude to you and to ask for your forgiveness. Be kind to me and to the people of this planet to lead a healthy life.” Next put forth your problems to nature and ask for help.

  2. 2. Water :

    Water is the most important element in our survival.

    In the residential camp, we were taken to a swimming pool and to meditate and connect to the water. In the daily life, it may not be possible to get into a swimming pool to connect to water. But we have water in the tap at every house. When we wash our hands we wash the dirt from our hands and when we take bath we wash dirt from our body. Use this time to express your thanks or gratitude to the water and pray in your own language to the water as an element like :

    “ Oh Water, sustainer of life on this planet, without you my body will not survive. Without you my daily needs will not be met. I thank you today for all that you are doing for me. You have many special qualities. You roar in the form of waves in the sea, or make noise while pouring as rain, you find your way around stones and mountains through steams and water falls, you move miles together in the form of rivers and canals and you remain calm and still in swimming pools or ponds. These qualities speak volumes of your greatness. You are so adaptive to different situations, grant me a part of your adaptiveness to be firm where required, to be manoeuvring in times of deception and negativity, to be moving along in life forgetting the mistakes of the past and to remain calm in times of crisis. “ Next, put forth your problems to water and seek help in resolving them.

  3. 3. Fire :

    Sun is the epitome of fire. This is one element which provides light, energy, heat and helps the elements of nature to grow and live.

    During morning walk, do some sun gazing at the early hours of sunrise. Look at those rays of the sun, soak in the beauty and energy and pray in your mind :

    “ Oh Sun, the source of energy and light to this planet, without you living will be impossible for humans and animals. You relentlessly provide us light and energy every day. Your light provides us Vitamin D required for my survival. I thank you for this. Today I pray to you to give me a small part of your energy in my body to enable me to perform my daily tasks in a normal and efficient manner. “ Next, put forth your problems to the sun and seek help in resolving them.

  4. 4. Air :

    We breathe air every moment of our life. Without breathing, humans cannot survive.

    In the camp, we were taught various meditations. The best way to use air is through breathing techniques, pranayama and yoga in the morning. During this process, feel the air through breath and first thank the air for making our life possible to live and then ask the air to give the strength to stand up to lead a healthy life in your own words like :

    “ Oh air. You are the life giver to human kind. I breathe you every moment of my life. Without you, I cannot survive. Make my inner self clean through your medium and help me to forgive others and the lead a healthy and happy life”. Next, discuss your problems/issues with air and seek help in resolving them.

  5. 5. Space :

    In the camp we are required to look up at the sky by raising our hands and experience small white dots.

    At home, we may not be able to raise our hands and see those small white dots. But you can see the sky from your balcony or outside when going for morning walk. Enjoy the multiple colours of the sky at sun rise. First thank the sky and then pray in your own words like :

    “Oh sky. How huge and vast you are. You stand calm and unmoved 24x7, month after month, year after year, decade after decade and century after century. You hold the lifeline of this planet i.e., the sun and the beaty of the night, the moon and the stars. The clouds provide a colourful shade to your beaty. And where do I stand? A small creature in this vast universe. Grant me the calmness in times of crisis and your vastness in forgiving others. Help to lead a healthy and peaceful life.” Next, put forth your problems to space/sky and seek help.

    Practice this simple way of connecting to nature every day and reap the benefits of happiness and healthy life.

    Be happy !

Disclaimer : The content including any advice on this website is from own experience and based on information collected from other sources. This is shared for general information only and is in no way substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your own doctor for more information.