Diabetes has been a decades old disorder caused by insulin resistance in the body of an individual. According to statistics, in the last decade alone i.e., from the year 2000 to 2019, diabetes increased by 3% all over the world. While China has been the world leader in diabetes with about 141 million (14.1 crore) people affected by it. It is predicated that within the next two decades, its diabetic population would increase up to 174 million (17.4 crores). At present there are 7.7 crore (77 million) diabetic people in India and the about 42 crores (420 million) in the world. India is estimated to reach 10 crore (100 million) mark by 2030 and 13.4 crores (134 million) by 2045. Currently, India ranks second in the world ranking of diabetes following China which is in the first place.
Until the end of nineteenth century, it was believed and accepted that “once a diabetic, always a diabetic”. There was no way it could be cured or reversed. A few of my family members passed away suffering from this chronic disorder. But since about last 10 years, after a lot of research by Dr. Neil Bernard and others, a ray of hope has become apparent that this disorder can be reversed.
American Diabetes Association (ADA) which all along maintained that diabetes is not reversible, finally came out with a statement in 2021 that “people with type 2 diabetes should be considered in remission after sustaining normal blood glucose (sugar) levels for three months or more.”
Diabetes Free Forever (DFF) headed by Dr. Bhagyesh Kulkarni and Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) headed by Dr. Pramod Tripathi, both qualified MBBS doctors, started a campaign in 2013 to convince the people that diabetes is reversible. DFF had only 10 patients who could reverse diabetes in 2016 and FFD had a few more. But they did not give up. With ample amount of research and study, they came out with a concrete protocol for the diabetes patients to follow over a period of 8 to 12 months. This has showed substantial results in diabetes reversal. According to the data with DFF, 869 people have reversed diabetes between 2020 to 2023 and 2678 to 3426 people have their medication brought down to 50% & 80% respectively. FFD on the other hand has 13500 people free of diabetes. These two agencies stationed in Pune have been doing yeomen service to the suffering people. There are many other agencies in India now offering courses for diabetes reversal. The lifestyle change that is brought about is five-fold viz., body detox, dietary changes, exercises, stress release through yoga, meditation etc., and personal consultation with the panel doctors. These agencies have proved that diabetes is now reversible – the only requirement is that the affected people follow the protocol strictly forever.
ADA (American Diabetes Association) has categorically used the word “remission” instead of reversal. The reason for this is, if the person whose blood sugar is brought to normalcy by following the protocol, switches back to his old life style habits, then there is every likelihood that diabetes will revert back. But the fact remains is that diabetes is reversible - to sustain it will depend upon individuals.
Evidently, there are two choices with the individual (1) reverse diabetes by following the protocol strictly by changing his or her lifestyle thereby be free from any medication (2) Continue with diabetes with the same lifestyle or control it with a modified lifestyle with continued consumption of medication like tablets and or insulin. The second choice although appears more practical, it is ridden with long term health issues like kidney problems, eyesight problems, liver problems, heart problems etc.
The first choice of reversal requires a lot of self- discipline to give up some of the food items consumed hitherto i.e., milk and its products, meat, refined products like rice, wheat, rava etc., processed products like on the shelf items and salt and sugar. The immediate question that comes to mind at this stage is if I have to give up eating all these items, then what will I eat and how will I survive?
The question is relevant but on the one hand when you give up certain of these items there is always an alternative like for milk you can use coconut or almond milk, for refined products instead of the off the shelf white rice and wheat, you can use brown rice and for wheat you can use kapli gahu. The basic idea is that these grains have their bran in tact which provides fiber which is an important component for slowing down digestion of food thereby slowing down the creation of blood sugar. Similarly, for processed items instead of off the shelf items, you can use nuts or chana or seeds as these provide protein required for regaining the strength. As far as salt is concerned, instead of using the white salt you can use pink or rock salt and for sugar, there is no substitute because it is one component which creates blood sugar the fastest.
As far as tea and coffee are concerned, India is the second largest producer of tea and highest consumer of tea i.e., 64% of its population consumes tea. To give up tea with sugar and milk is going to be a tall order. But you can give up all these and switch over to something called “hunza tea” which incidentally is herbal tea. Green tea is another option. As far as coffee is concerned, black coffee without sugar and milk could be an option.
One of the important criteria for lifestyle change is changes in diet. Studies show that 75 to 80% of Indian diet consists of carbohydrates, which is the main cause of steep rise in diabetes in India. Dr. V. Mohan, a renowned diabetologist and Padma Shri awardee from Chennai, has prescribed a food plate to consist of 50% of vegetables preferably leafy green vegetables and the next 25% to consist of proteins from either vegetable sources or animal sources and the remaining 25% to consist of carbohydrates. In essence, medical science has now come to accept that reduction in carbohydrates makes it possible to control the rise of blood sugar with continued medication.
Whereas the diabetes free agencies like DFF and FFD propagate complete reversal of diabetes thereby making the patient medicine and insulin free.
Diabetes reversal by DFF prescribes a food plate to consist of 40% salad, 30% cooked items like vegetables and 30% to consist of grains like wheat and rice etc. The 40% salad provides fiber to the food content which not only makes you eat less but also allows the food to digest slowly thereby slowing down the blood sugar creation in the body. 30% vegetables provide fiber and other nutrients and 30% grains provide complex carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals required by the body.
A diabetic person today has two choices. If he wants to continue with the existing lifestyle with diabetes, then he can opt for same lifestyle with little modifications and continue to consume medication including insulin or give up some of the food items and follow the protocol of DFF or FFD and be free of medicines including insulin.
The second option appears very attractive but it has an element of sacrifice and following the 5 ingredients of the protocol viz., detox, diet, exercise, stress management and personal medical consultation completely necessary.
From the testimonials of some of the people who have reversed diabetes with both the agencies, it becomes apparent that this lifestyle change not only brings about remission of diabetes but a road to healthy life.
If you are a diabetic, make your choice! I have made mine. I enrolled with Diabetes Free Forever and reaped the benefit of not only getting rid of diabetes but also improving my overall health within 6 months.