For a diabetic person and a pre-diabetic to avoid lifelong medication and its after effects, the best prescription is to change the lifestyle. This is even acknowledged and prescribed by ICMR according to their latest guidelines.
Now what is lifestyle change?
First let us understand what is lifestyle?
What is Lifestyle?
Right from childhood we are taught specific ways of life i.e., when to eat, what to eat, when to sleep, what to do or what not to do etc. This over the years when we practice it becomes a typical lifestyle. Once a lifestyle is set, it becomes a part of our life and it is quite difficult to change it. Our body and mind are used to this style and if we suddenly decide to change it, both will react. That is why for any change of lifestyle, it requires proper guidance through Mentor/s or guides or even healthcare professional in some cases.
For example, if you are, say, a non-vegetarian. You are used to eating non-vegetarian food right from childhood. This diet coupled with other attendant factors like over eating, lack of proper sleep, lack of proper exercise etc. over a period of time leads to development of the disorder called Diabetes. This disorder works very slowly and over a period of time of say 5 to 6 years. There are no specific symptoms to indicate whether a person is diabetic or not except when a blood test is done. When you are told to give up non-vegetarian food, the immediate reaction would be “No Way. I cannot live with eating non-veg because I am used to eating it and that is one of the main components of my diet.” But when we understand that this same non-vegetarian food that has contributed to a large extent on the present condition of diabetes, it becomes easier to keep it under control or to give it up. Why give it up? Because meat is highly acidic and takes longer to digest. Acidity of an increased order for a long period of time, creates inflammation inside the body in different parts like the liver, pancreas, cells, intestines etc. which leads to disorders like obesity and ultimately diabetes in addition to Blood Pressure, heart problems etc.
Next, if you are used to drinking milk and tea right from childhood and if you are asked to give up milk and tea, it will be a difficult choice. But when we understand what milk and tea does to our body, decision may become a little easier. Milk is nothing but starch which gets converted into glucose fast. Also, the quality of milk we get in the urban areas and cities leaves much to be desired. On the other hand, tea is acidic and as I said earlier, acidic food creates inflammation in the body and this inflammation over a period of time, leads to other complications. Does it mean to say there is no substitute to tea or coffee? Of course there is. You can have Hunza tea, which is herbal tea which helps in not only getting over the addiction to tea but also helps in keeping the gut in a better shape.
Next, you are used to eating your breakfast, lunch and dinner at a time of your choice. Now if you are told that you need to align your timing to the Circadian cycle (from sunrise to sunset as a eating window), your immediate response would be ‘that is not possible’.
Why Circadian cycle and what is its importance? Circadian cycle is divided into two parts viz., from sunrise to sunset and from sunset to sunrise. This is the creation of nature. During the cycle of sunrise to sunset we are busy with different activities. It is during this period that we consume our food. If you are told that you need to drink a smoothie in the morning and have breakfast, a little late and sometimes even skip it, and lunch at 1pm and dinner before 7pm, your first reaction would be “No way, it is not possible”. Because you feel hungry the moment you wake up. You will need morning tea, followed by breakfast and lunch at may be 1pm or 2 pm and dinner may be around 9 to 10pm besides snacks at regular intervals. Yes, all these years you have been following a schedule of your choice, then why suddenly change it? That is because, your body is unable to adjust to that schedule any longer and it throws different symptoms to indicate this.
The Circadian day cycle starts from sunrise say 6.00am to sunset 6.00pm and night cycle from 6.00pm to 6.00am. It is the night cycle which is crucial for maintaining proper health because it is during this cycle that the body does the clean up internally. So, having an early dinner say 6.00pm or by atleast 7.00pm, and not consuming any food item till sunrise say 7.00am i.e., a 12 hour cycle, body will ensure proper cleansing from inside and helps you to remain healthy.
Except during your school days or college days when you used to play outdoor games and physical exercises, in later part of life, you might have forgotten all about exercises. Result, flab developing around your waist and fat around the body. Yes, you would like to join a gym and do some exercises, but you don’t have the time. If you have to keep your body fit and healthy, you need to do exercises. When you are made to understand the importance of exercises in not only keeping your body fit but also to contain the disorder of diabetes, I am sure you will start doing exercises. Question may sometimes come to mind is “what type of exercises I need to do?”. It depends on your body metabolism, time available at your disposal, your interest in doing exercises etc. Generally, it is found that when a person is diagnosed as a diabetic and he is used to medication and insulin over a period of years, the body metabolism would be at its lowest. In this situation, doing exercise would be a challenge. It would also be a personal choice depending upon the state of physical fitness. There are different types of exercises for different types of people. You have to select which exercise suits your regime for which you may have to take the assistance of a physio or a guide, if you are diabetic with other ailments.
Another important area of lifestyle is sleep. Sleep timings are generally fixed as per family surroundings or work schedules. In the younger days, we are supposed to sleep early because of school or college timings and other activities. During the youth days, it is dependent on office timings and later in life, it is dependent on a number of factors like sleeping in the afternoon, sleeping late on account of parties, sleeping late because of late arrival of a family working member etc.
Sleep is one of the important factors for maintaining good health. 6 to 8 hours of sound sleep, depending upon age and body metabolism, is a must for allowing the body to work at its best. The circadian cycle prompts sleep between 10 pm to 4 am. Lack of proper sleep, creates inflammation within the body which in turn leads to other complication like blood pressure, heart attack etc.
Stress is another prominent component contributing to diabetes. Cortisol is a hormone that creates a situation of fight or flight or freeze, leading to stress which requires the brain to be fully functional. Resultantly, the blood supply to the brain will be higher. This in turn shuts down immunity, increases blood pressure. Prolonged stress level will certainly add to the problem of inflammation, diabetes, heart problems etc.
If we have to change all these areas of our daily life, it is going to be quite a challenge. But not impossible. Thousands of people have gone through this lifestyle change and have benefitted substantially. What is required is the commitment to bring about this change. For this you need to tell yourself 'I CAN AND I WILL'. These positive affirmations will make it possible to get over all the impediments that may come in the way of making the lifestyle changes. First affirmation should be ‘I CAN”. I can change the way of my life. I can change the timings of my meals, I can change the timings of my sleep, I can do exercises, I can do meditations, pranayama, yoga to keep my mental fitness. Once I decide that I CAN, then 'I WILL' follow. You yourself will find ways to do all the things that are required to be done.
Go ahead and take the pledge 'I CAN AND I WILL' change your lifestyle to keep diabetes and other disorders/ailments away for a longer and healthy life.