Summarised by Arthur G Aranha
Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) has come out with revised dietary guidelines for Indians. They have identified 17 dietary guidelines for the common man in its document “Dietary Guidelines for Indians”. These guidelines are be applicable to general public and for nutrition specialists, dieticians, health professionals and others in the field of health care.
Some of the important ones which apply to us are disucussed below:
1. Focus on eating balanced diet by consuming right proportion of nutrition through different variety of foods.
Observation: Diabetes Free Forever (DFF) has taught us the adequacy and balance in diet through the food plate ratio of 40:35:25 with 10% empty stomach. The combination of fiber, coupled with reduction in carbohydrates intake has helped us in controlling any spike in blood sugar. This diet has helped in not only controlling blood sugar but also cholesterol, blood pressure PCOD and other related ailments.
2. For better nutrition consume more vegetables and legumes.
Observation: The 40% salad plus 35% cooked items in the food plate itself suggests more vegetables and legumes in the daily diet which helps in proper digestion and also in providing the required nutrients.
3. Use oils and fats in reasonable proportion. For daily needs of fats and essential fatty acids, select from a variety of oil seeds, nuts, cereals and legumes.
Observation : In the various webinars conducted by Dr.Bhagyesh Kulkarni and Dr. Shital Kumbhar, the use of oils and fats is explained in detail. While Cold pressed or Ghani extracted oils are preferable, according to Dr.Kuldip Khasbage, alternating the oils between groundnut oil, sesame oil, khardai (Safflower) oil every quarter would be ideal to break the monotony in use of cooking oils. It is also emphasized during the webinars that oils and fats should be kept to the bare minimum and fried foods to be avoided.
4. Proteins and amino acids (EAA) are essential for building muscles. To achieve this select right mix of foods. Protein supplements can be avoided.
Observation: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. We are encouraged to consume adequate quantity of seeds, nuts, legumes, lentils and peanut butter which are proteins rich, which provide the amino acids required by the body. Proteins supplements are discouraged unless they are essential is specific cases under medical supervision.
5. Healthy lifestyle is the precursor to preventing the risk of obesity and its related ailments.
Observation: At DFF we are taught lifestyle changes that include detox, modified diet, exercises, stress management and medical consultation with the panel doctors. These lifestyle changes have benefitted a large section of the people who have joined the DFF. It is not only dietary changes that are essential but also detoxing the body of toxins, learning to manage stress and keeping physically fit by improving on the muscle mass are the yardsticks of success story of DFF patients. Detox process ensures that any abdominal (visceral) and body fats are thrown out to make the body learner and fitter. This is done through proper medical supervision of the panel doctors.
6. Physically remaining active and exercising regularly is a must to remain healthy.
Observation: The importance of exercises is repeatedly emphasized in the various webinars and the residential camp where Dr. Neha Sawant gave a demo of the exercises that need to be done by diabetes patients. She has also placed various videos on YouTube on different types of exercises to assist the patients.
7. Salt intake needs to be resticted.
Observation: Sugar and Salt are the two components which are restricted for a diabetic. Sugar for controlling the blood sugar and salt to control the sodium intake. While processed salt is strictly a No No, even rock salt like pink salt/black salt are also to be taken in limited quantity.
8. For better health, avoid consuming contaminated and unhygenic food.
Observation : Purchasing foods from reliable sources is the first step towards safe intake of food. In the current scenario of adulteration all around, home made food would be the first choice for a better health. Where home made food is not available, avoiding unhygienic places for consuming food should be priority. Looking for AGMARK and ISI marked products is recommended. ICMR has given detailed guidelines on this area in their document.
9. Keep the body alkaline by consuming the required quantity of water.
Observation: Dr. Bhagyesh Kulkarni has taught us that our body consists of 72% water and that glucose in the body carries water with it. Where glucose is high on account of diabetes, water is lost from the body through urine, sweat and breathing when kidneys process the blood. So, drinking adequate quantity of water is essential. It could be around 8 to 10 glasses i.e., say 2 liters per day on an average. During hot weather, this intake needs to be increased as considerable amount of water is lost through sweat.
10. Minimise the consumption of ultra-processed foods.
Observation : Diabetes Free Forever through their programme of MRPS has taught us to restrict the use of high-fat, sugar, salt and ultra-processed foods. We have seen the impact of restricting MRPS on our sugar level. Many of us are diabetes free and many are on reduced medication indicating control over diabetes.
11. Include nutrient-rich foods for the elderly and Balanced food for infants, children, and adolescents.
Observation : The food plate devised by DFF takes care of the nutrient requirements of diabetic persons. The avoidance of MRPS further helps in abstaining from eating high fat, sugar and salt and ultra processed foods. For the elderly the nutrient requirements are closely observed by the panel doctors and supplements are advised where required as an interim measure.
12. Reading information on food labels to make informed and healthy food choices.
Observation: This is an area where further education and awareness is required. Food packets are required to display the ingredients and their composition on the food packet itself. Anything that containing sugar in any form and salt needs to be avoided.
For more information on how to read food labels, watch this video or other such videos like Foodpharmer on YouTube on the subject:
Composition of the Food Plate:
On the composition of the food plate recommended by ICMR, these recommendations are incorporated in the DFF style food place in as much as including 40% salad, Fruits by way smoothie, cereals and nutrients and pulses and legumes through lunch plate and dinner, nuts and seeds through salads and fats and oils through meals. The DFF plate of 40:35:25 to include 40% salad (in the form of raw vegetables and fruits), 35% to include cooked vegetables, pulses and legumes and 25% to include cereals like grains and millets.
DFF, therefore, has been following the healthy food plate concept right from the beginning, which has benefitted a large section of the diabetic population.