Arthur Aranha

Diabetes is a disorder whereby the sugar level in your blood is found to be beyond a cut off level of above 110mg/dL in a fasting state or above 140mg/dL in a post-prandial i.e., post-lunch state.

These figures have become so sacrosanct, that drives the general public to believe that they suffer from a serious disease. Have you come across any case where someone died only because they had diabetes. Not to my knowledge. But diabetes is the cause of other ailments like kidney malfunction, fatty liver and consequent health issues, heart problems, sudden weight loss (even though you are normal in your diet), itching and rashes on the skin, hyper acidity, joint pain and so on. The highest risk is heart attack.

Has your body given you any indication of any other ailment, then get yourself checked and eradicate the root cause of such an ailment. If by any chance it is blood sugar, in today’s world, there is an alternative to bring it down to the accepted level. This is where agencies like Diabetes Free Forever or such other agency comes to your aid. Whenever the sugar level is post-prandial (pp i.e., post lunch) is 150mg/dL or 160mg/dL, people panic and take tension running from pillar to post for a solution.

As long has your body does not tell you through other ways, consider that your blood sugar level is controllable. Yes, if it goes beyond 180mg/dL or 200mg/dL, then there is a cause to take action in changing your diet, do exercises and fasting to bring it down to controllable level. Do not panic. Re-examine your diet, the type of exercises you do and also how much fasting you are able to do. Here when we are talking about fast, it is not the routine or normal fast we follow. This fast is relating to your body cycle. Typically, if you have early dinner say 7.30 to 8.30p.m then your fasting cycle starts from there till your breakfast. That part should be at least 12 hours. You would have noticed that for checking your BSL (Blood sugar level), the lab will also require 12 hours of fasting. That is the body cycle requirement. Any intermittent fasting during the day is additional bonus.

Let me take an example here. My wife was diagnosed with diabetes with blood sugar level of 309mg/dL pp along with mine at 374mg/dL. The moment she came to know that she has diabetes, her spirits crashed. Immediately she recollected that her mother had diabetes, her two sisters had diabetes and so she thought, it was hereditary. This whole theory of diabetes being hereditary is unacceptable because this disorder called diabetes occurs mainly based on your life style and not on account of any hereditary factor even though it may be there in the genes. Your lifestyle is your choice and not of your family members.

With lot of convincing and encouragement, we visited a doctor for treatment. Ideally, the doctor should have asked us to first take out a HbA1C report instead of relying only on the first lab report.

Why? What is so special about HbA1c? and by the way what is HbA1c

Known as the haemoglobin A1c test, this test measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months. And again why 3 months? Medical science has accepted that the blood cells in our body get recycled every 3 months. So, this report of past 3 months indicates the state of the blood cells carrying the level of glucose for 3 months as an average. That could be an accepted level for starting the treatment.

Nothing like that happened. The diabetologist was eager to prescribe medicines based simply on the first lab report forgetting the fact that it could be a spike in blood sugar on account of eating more carbs or sugar items the previous night. She was prescribed 4 tablets, 2 for blood sugar and 2 for blood pressure.

We were fortunate that we came across Diabetes Free Forever, a Diabetes & Lifestyle Management Company within a few days of our starting the allopathy treatment. That changed my wife’s belief that this disease is not reversible.

By following their protocol of detox, diet, exercises, stress release and personal consultation process, she is today diabetes free. Her HbA1c has come down from 9.5 in June 2022 to 5.5 in Sept. 2022 and her pp sugar level has come down from 309mg/dL to 153mg/dL. Even her blood pressure has come down to normal. This is miraculous. We never expected it.

But the journey was not easy. She would check blood sugar daily initially, then weekly, then once a month. Her blood sugar level initially remained high but with the following of the protocol, it gradually came down. Whenever her blood sugar went slightly higher, she would panic. I think, this is what generally happens, to people suffering from this disorder.

Remember, your aim is to bring it under control by change of diet, doing exercises and fasting as per protocol so that you can avoid taking any medicines/insulin.

But like I said earlier, nobody has died only with diabetes. Controlling it should be the ideal treatment than running after the magic figure of 140mg/dL pp or 110mg/dL fasting. These are only bench marks and not sacrosanct figures. If you can control the rise of blood sugar by following proper diet, exercise and a little fasting, you have achieved your goal. That itself should keep you happy in life. Even if your blood sugar level goes up to 180mg/dL on random checking, don’t panic. Your HbA1c is the typical indicator to your state of diabetes and that can change every 3 months. So, if you have not reached the required HbA1c level in the first 3 months, give yourself a chance to examine the correction required in your diet, or exercise or fasting level to bring it down in the next quarter. Once you reach there, don’t go back.

Remember, it has taken a lot of efforts to get here. If you go back to your old life style, then visiting doctors and hospitals periodically could be an option.

Keep your HbA1c in check. All the Best!

Disclaimer : The content including any advice on this website is from own experience and based on information collected from other sources. This is shared for general information only and is in no way substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your own doctor for more information.