Arthur Aranha

A question that normally comes to mind of those who undergo diabetes treatment with DFF is why should I exercise?

The calories we consume every day need to be spent as I had explained with a hypothetical example in my earlier video. One of the ways to spend some calories is WALKING. What happens when you walk early in the morning? When you are in a rested condition in the night, your body continues to work that is why organs like heart, kidney, liver, pancreas all continue to work to prepare fresh energy required by you the next day. This energy that they create is called glucose. It is pushed into your body through blood so that all the organs of the body function properly. The first task for spending this energy is walking. If don’t walk, you are throwing the effort of your body in taking the pains to prepare and provide you the energy to the wind. And you land up with extra glucose in your blood and unspent energy in your body.

In addition, if you do not exercise like cycling, swimming, sports, stretching, pushups etc. as required by your body structure, you leave some more energy unspent. This results in gradual increase of fat in your body.

The next question that comes to mind is what type of exercises can I do?

The type of exercises you need to do will depend upon your body type.

If you are slim with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 18.5, then you are considered underweight. Person with BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered normal weight and BMI of 25 to 29.5 is overweight and BMI equal to and over 30 is considered as obese or with excess body fat.

In addition to BMI, your body weight is also important for the purpose of exercise. You can calculate the ideal weight by using the formula your height (in centrimeters) minus 100. This should be ideal weight. +_ 2 will be the variation range.

For example, for a height of say 5’7” (170.18cms), as per BMI formula, the normal weight of that person would be 70 kgs (170 - 100) plus/minus 2. From 71 to 84kgs he would be overweight, from 85 to 113 Kgs he would be obese and from 114 to 156kgs and above he will be severely obese.

Those underweight, you need gain weight and gain muscles. To build your muscles, you may need to do walking and stretching exercises. You would also need to take fortified smoothie to lift up your weight.

Those who are slim but not underweight, can do stretching, yoga, weight lifting with ½ kg water bottle etc.

Those who are in the normal weight bracket, can do exercises like swimming, cycling, sports like badminton, tennis, and stretching, push up exercises and/or cardio say 3 times a week. You need to work out a chart of which exercise can be done by you every day and not all of them together and do it accordingly. Please ensure that you do not over exercise just to reduce blood sugar because exercise is not the only option to reduce blood sugar or weight.

Those in the over weight bracket, need to do anti- gravity exercises, cycling, walking etc. For cardio exercises, it needs to be done under supervision of a fitness expert so that you do not develop hyper tension etc.

For stretching exercises, you can watch Dr. Neha Sawant’s videos in Marathi language on YouTube. Check :

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muscle strengthening Click Here
Stretching exercises Click Here
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Stretching exercises at Home Click Here
Disclaimer : The content including any advice on this website is from own experience and based on information collected from other sources. This is shared for general information only and is in no way substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your own doctor for more information.