Summarised By
Arthur Aranha

The food we eat gets converted into glucose, amino acids and fats.

Carbohydrates generate glucose, proteins generate amino acids and fats generate fatty acids.

Fats are of two types. 1. Visceral Fat 2. Dietary fat

Visceral fat is the fat which is the body fat around the stomach area i.e., which adds to the circumference of your belly.

Dietary fat gets generated by macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals).

Dietary fat provides energy to the body. It is also required to absorb the vitamins into the body.

Cholesterol is a fat like substance made up of glucose or saturated fatty acids.

Cholesterol is of 3 types :

Sr.No. Type
1 Triglycerides
2 LDL - Low Density Lipoproteins
3 HDL - High Density Lipoproteins

Fats can be described as 3 types:

Sr. Type
1 Saturated Fats
2 Unsaturated Fats
3 Trans Fats

Saturated fats and Trans fats generate Triglycerides and LDL which are harmful to the body.

Saturated fats are : All types of refined oils (like coconut oil, palm oil), Milk and milk products including ghee and butter, ice cream and animal fats like red meat, pizza, chicken with skin.

Trans fats are : Vegetable oils, fast food, bakery items, baked foods, chocolate, deep fried food items.

Saturated fats and Trans fats raise the cholesterol level thereby increasing the body fat. Alcohol is broken down and stored as fat.

Unsaturated fats are good fats which are essential to control not only the level of blood sugar but also cholesterol level in our body.

Healthy fats (Good Fats) are:

Type Food items
Mono unsaturated fats Cold pressed Olive oil, Canola Oil, Peanut Oil, Sesame Oil, Avocado, most of the nuts (other than walnuts), coconut (ola nariyal), beans and legumes.
Polyunsaturated fats Soyabean oil, Soya milk, Tofu, sunflower oil, all types of seeds, cold water fish and walnuts.
Essential Fatty Acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 which are available in Flax seeds, Sunflower seeds, Sesam seeds, soya beans, fish oil and fatty fish, walnuts, Tofu and Canola Oil.

Unsaturated fats are essential as a source of energy, to insulate the vital organs of the body from injury, to fight against infections, to improve taste of the foods and to improve immunity.

Benefits of avoiding saturated and trans fats and consuming unsaturated fats and essential fatty acids:

Sr.No. Benefits
1 Lowering of blood Cholesterol, Triglycerides and LDL
2 Improving the HDL levels
3 Lowering of Blood Pressure
4 Lowering the risk of heart attacks
5 Improving the insulin sensitivity.

P.S. For more details refer to YouTube video by Dr.Shital Kumbhar..
Disclaimer : The content including any advice on this website is from own experience and based on information collected from other sources. This is shared for general information only and is in no way substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your own doctor for more information.