Arthur Aranha

Seeds are a great source of fiber. They are also full of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are essentially good fats. They also contain vitamins, minerals. They are antioxidants. Some of them contain Omega-3 fats like Flaxseeds and Chia seeds and some contain Omega-6 fats like Sesame seeds, Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Properties of Pumpkin Seeds :
Property Description
Anti-inflammatory they can help with mild redness, swelling and relief from pain
Boosts immunity they can help with mild redness, swelling and relief from pain
Loaded with magnesium helps to regulate blood sugar. Helps with stress and anxiety release
Good for hair and skin has Zinc which is good for hair and skin
Properties of Flax Seeds :
Property Description
Contains oil 35-45%
saturated fatty acids 9-10%
Monosaturated fatty acids 20%
Alpha-linolenic fatty acids 70%
Proteins 20 to 30%
Properties of Sunflower Seeds :
Property Description
Rich in protein and healthy fats
Anti-oxidant Anti-oxidant
Contains Vitamin E and Vitamin B1
Properties of Chia Seeds :
Property Description
Benefit Improve heart health, reduce cholesterol levels and promote intestinal health
Benefit Reduces belly fat
Properties of Sesame (Til) Seeds :
Property Description
Benefit Full of healthy fats, proteins, Vitamin B, minerals, anti-oxidants
Benefit Helps in blood sugar control , combats arthritis pain, and lowers cholesterol

Nuts form an important part of balanced nutrition. A mix of raw, soaked and unsalted nuts to the food adds to better gut microbiome, improved brain health, better good cholesterol, hormonal balance and muscle strength.

A mix of almonds, walnuts, pistachios are a great source of nutrition. These need to be soaked well before consuming them.

Those who are allergic or sensitive to nuts and seeds may avoid them.

Disclaimer : The content including any advice on this website is from own experience and based on information collected from other sources. This is shared for general information only and is in no way substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your own doctor for more information.