Arthur Aranha

Vitamins and Minerals play a very important role in human health. The various organs of the body need these vitamins and minerals to perform to their fullest. Any deficiency of vitamins and minerals impact the day to day functioning of the body. Let us see in brief the symptoms of the deficiency of some of the Vitamins and minerals and where to find them.

Symptoms of deficiency of vitamins and minerals :

Sr.No. Type of Vitamin/Mineral Symptoms on deficiency
1 Vitamin B12 Tingling in hands and feet, tiredness, wieght loss, yellow skin and nausea etc
2 Vitamin D Pain in the bones, tiredness, change in mood, muscle weakness, hair loss etc.
3 Potassium Muscle cramps/body pain, muscle weakness
4 Magnesium Muscle cramps/body pain
5 Zinc Rough and dry skin, pimples, slow wound healing etc.
6 Iron Pale skin, lack of energy, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat etc.


Sr.No. Type Sources
1 Vitamin B12 Eggs,Spinach,Beetroot, Mushrooms, Carrots,Sprouts and Fruits like Apple, Banana, Berries, Mango.
2 Vitamin D Sunlight, Mushrooms, Fortified cereals, Fortified Almond milk, Orange, Banana, Palak, Tofu and Broccoli
3 Potassium Bananas, Sweet Potato, Beetroot, Spinach, Avocado, coconut water, Lentils and Broccoli
4 Zinc Seafoods, Oats, Pumpkin seeds, Chickpea, Cashew Nuts, Fruits and Vegetables
5 Magnesium Spinach, Chickpeas, Almonds, Cashew Nuts, Avocado, Pumpkin Seeds, Soya, Tofu.
6 Iron Fish, Eggs, Beans, Leafy Green Vegetables, Black Raisins, Prunes, Whole grains, Nuts and Seeds, Lentils, Tofu, Jaggery etc.

Disclaimer : The content including any advice on this website is from own experience and based on information collected from other sources. This is shared for general information only and is in no way substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your own doctor for more information.