Summarised By
Arthur Aranha

One of the three macro nutrients is Carbohydrates, the other two being Proteins and Fats


Carbohydrates are of two types :

Type Type
Simple Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are sugar based which give short burst of energy. This spikes the blood sugar level.

These are Potato, pasta,Processed foods, bakery items like bread, biscuits etc., White Rice, Processed wheat, Rava, packed items and all sugars.

Complex Carbohydrates are starch based that keep us filled for longer providing energy for longer period because they are full of fiber. (Fiber is covered separately).

Complex carbohydrates are Brown Rice, Khapli Wheat, Legumes, Pulses and all green vegetables which are natural .

Difference between Simple Carbs and Complex Carbs :

Simple Complex
Easy to digest Take time to digest
Contain more sweetness Less sweetness
Quickly raises blood sugar Slowly raises blood sugar

Why carbohydrates are important in our daily diet ?

If we do not eat them -

Sr.No. Effects
1 We get cramps
2 Experience fatigue
3 Experience headache
4 Experience dizziness
5 Experience faster heart beat
6 Experience sweating
7 Result in muscle loss on account of Ketosis
8 Result in hypo glycemia
9 Result in constipation.

What is hypoglycemia ?

Where the hormone Glucagon is impaired and not able to raise the low level of blood sugar, there will be a drastic drop in blood sugar which may result in dizziness, sweating, uneasiness or even heart palpitation etc.

What do Carbohydrates do?
They provide energy to the body
They help to sleep better
They help to prevent diseases
They are useful for weight control
They help to keep the memory sharp
They uplift the mood
They provide fiber to the body
They prevent blood clots
They improve the digestive system
They are best nutrients for Athletes.

Consuming excess carbohydrates could result in side effects like
Excess glucose from consuming excess carbs gets converted into fat leading to weight gain.
Results in Type 2 diabetes.
Results in PCOD.
Results in metabolic disorders and gastric ulcers.
Results in increased Triglycerides (Cholesterol).
Leads to high blood pressure and heart diseases.
Results in depressed appetite.

For more details on consumption of carbohydrates, check out the video

Disclaimer : The content including any advice on this website is from own experience and based on information collected from other sources. This is shared for general information only and is in no way substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your own doctor for more information.